
Pro Bags promoting environmentally friendly promotional totes and merchandise. Our bags are produced using unbleached, colored-cotton, organic fabric, and material produced using 100% PET. We take care of requests beginning at just 50 bags and up-to 100,000 and our clients have utilized our tote bags for their daily sales in stores, company promotions and special events purposes throughout the Australia.

ProBags is a company that is established for your convenience. We supply organizations, small businesses, and individuals as yourself, with quality products for wholesale prices. We offer wide range of productions that includes non-woven bags, Jute bags, Canvas bags, recycle bags, tote bags, cooler bags, Super-market shopping bags, transparent PVC bags, Gift bags, and heaps more.

The reason we can offer you our hand selected items, for such low prices, is because we didn't just settle for a quick buck, we took the time and effort to make factory direct deals and ship our products directly. The cost we save by doing this is the cost you save on our products.

“Cheapest and lowest price” are sentences you see daily all over the internet, but offering a cheapest price guarantee, is a commitment on a whole new level. When you shop on our web shop, you shop with confidence. Our convenient live customer service is online and ready to answer your questions about item details or even shipping and return policies.

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